Left Leg DVT Secondary to IVCS

30-year-old female, on oral contraceptives, with severe left leg swelling after a long car ride. Ultrasound showed left iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis (DVT). The patient was started on anticoagulation. 5 days later, the patient still had severe swelling and pain. Pharmacomechanical thrombolysis using TPA and the Angiojet was performed with removal of the bulk of…

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Post Thrombotic IVCS in a Triathlete

36-year-old female with a left lower extremity iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) 9 years prior. Increasing problems with left leg venous claudication with exercise. Symptoms limiting the patient’s ability to be active. MR venography showed occlusion of the left iliac venous system typical of May Thurner syndrome or iliac vein compression syndrome…

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Recurrent Leg DVT

72-year-old male patient with 3 left lower extremity DVTs. The patient was developing severe post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS). The patient was positive for Lupus anticoagulant was being treated with oral anticoagulation. Apart from a lower extremity venous ultrasound, no investigation of the pelvic venous system was done. Imaging of the venous outflow in the abdomen and pelvis…

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Chronic Iliofemoral DVT in a Young Male

22 year old with severe post thrombotic syndrome 6 months after left leg deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Initial attempt at catheter directed thrombolysis without iliac vein stenting resulted in re-thrombosis. The patient had severe restriction in activity due to venous claudication and he wanted to see if anything could be done. He underwent stenting and…

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Post Thrombotic Ulcer

A 38-year-old female with deep venous thrombosis 14 years ago while on birth control pills. Second DVT shortly after discontinuing anticoagulation. Hematologic workup showed the patient to have Protein S deficiency. The patient suffered from severe post-thrombotic syndrome, eventually resulting in venous ulceration 8 years ago. The patient suffered from a chronic ulcer that eventually…

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