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Fallopian Tube Recanalization

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Fallopian Tube Recanalization


Open the opportunity for a healthy pregnancy

What is fallopian tube recanalization?

Fallopian tube recanalization is a non-surgical procedure to remove blockage that may be hindering the ability to get pregnant. Under x-ray guidance, a small catheter is passed through the cervix into the blocked fallopian tube, safely reopening the canal. 

How is the procedure performed?

  1. Prior to the procedure, an IV (intravenous line) is placed to administer medications, should they be needed to manage any discomfort or help with relaxation.  
  2. The first part of the procedure is similar to a standard gynecologic exam. The doctor will place a speculum into the vagina, then a small catheter is passed through the cervix into the uterus. 
  3. Contrast is then injected, enabling the doctor to visualize the uterus and fallopian tubes using fluoroscopy (a type of continuous x-ray). 
  4. If a blockage is identified, the doctor will attempt to open the blockage by inserting a small, soft catheter through the blockage. 
  5. The entire procedure typically lasts only 30 minutes, patients go home the same day, and there is little to no recovery time needed. 

Is fallopian tube disease a common cause of infertility?

Fallopian tubal disease and occlusion accounts for 25 - 35% of all causes of infertility. 

What are the causes of fallopian tube occlusion (blockage)?

  • Mucous plugs 
  • Prior pelvic infection 
  • Endometriosis 
  • Fibroids and polyps 
  • Scarring after surgery

What are the benefits of fallopian tube recanalization?

  • Non-surgical procedure with no incision needed 
  • No general anesthesia 
  • Same day procedure, with minimal to no recovery time 
  • An increased chance of pregnancy if fallopian tube occlusion is the only cause of infertility, and potentially eliminating the need for IVF 

What are the expected outcomes of fallopian tube recanalization?

  • Pregnancy rate at 1-year following successful fallopian tube recanalization is approximately 41%.   
  • Since fallopian tube recanalization unclogs the tubes, but does not reverse the underlying process that caused them to become blocked, 20-50% of tubes may become re-occluded.  
  • If you do not become pregnant within 6 months after successful fallopian tube recanalization you may want to make sure your tubes are still open. 

Are you a candidate for fallopian tube recanalization?

If you have been diagnosed with blockages in your fallopian tube or have a history of infertility, then you may be a candidate for fallopian tube recanalization.  It is important to discuss with your physician any history of prior pelvic infections or other pelvic conditions to help determine if you are a candidate.