Failed Bypass Graft

64 year old male, type 1 diabetes, with a prior femoral to politeal bypass graft and a subsequent poplileal to tibial bypass graft. The later graft failed and the patient was told there were no other options to restore blood flow. Endovascular reconstruction of the popliteal artery and tibioperoneal trunk restored blood flow and wound…

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Neuro-Ischemic Ulceration

51 year old male with Type 1 Diabetes and a lateral foot ulcer for 4 months. Patient received standard wound care with slow progression of the ulcer and was offered a below knee amputation. Skin perfusion testing showed normal perfusion. CT angiography demonstrated severe stenosis at the origin of the anterior and posterior tibial arteries…

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Pedal Loop Reconstruction

46 year old male, type 1 diabetes, with ulcers on several toes. Patient had palpable pulses at the ankle. Angiography shows occlusion of the distal dorsalis pedis artery and of the distal lateral plantar artery. The deep plantar artery and plantar arch were reconstructed and the wounds healed

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