My story starts 21 years ago. I was pulling a rolling table into a spot on the factory floor, and I turned to see where it should go. The table hit me in the back of my leg and severed the Achilles tendon.
Then, last year, the wound from that surgery started to open. The Achilles tendon was fine, but the sore, which started out the size of a key hole, kept getting bigger and bigger.
My primary physician sent me to a plastic surgeon to get the wound closed up, but soon after my surgery, it opened again.
After trying a wound clinic, having home health care twice a week, and using a Hyperbaric Oxygen tank, my plastic surgeon decided I needed to see Dr. Michael Cumming at VIE.
Finally, my wound started to close and heal. As it turns out, I have varicose veins, but they couldn’t be seen from the outside of my leg.
I feel like everyone tried to take care of me as best they could, but it was Dr. Cumming and the staff at VIE that helped me the most. Without a visit to them, I think I’d still have an open sore on my leg! I would recommend VIE to anyone going through anything similar.