Experience relief from hemorrhoid symptoms with a quick, safe procedure

If you suffer from internal hemorrhoids, VIE’s minimally invasive hemorrhoid embolization treatment can provide long-lasting relief from rectal bleeding, pain, irritation, and itching.


Hemorrhoids are common, occurring in approximately 50% of people during their life, with a peak incidence between 45-65 years old. They are caused by increased pressure in the lower rectum due to:

  • Straining
  • Sitting for long periods
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea
  • Anal intercourse
  • Family history of hemorrhoids
  • Excessive exercise

Risk Factors

Hemorrhoids can be prevented if you:

  • Eat high-fiber food
  • Drink enough fluid
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid straining when sitting on the toilet
  • Avoid sitting for long periods


Hemorrhoid embolization is an excellent choice if:

  • You have internal hemorrhoids, grade 1, 2, or 3
  • Dietary measures, medication, or non-surgical minimally invasive methods were not successful
  • You did not benefit from a surgical treatment

Treatment and Benefits

How we Treat Hemorrhoids

Our interventional radiology experts perform hemorrhoid embolization using state-of-the-art medical equipment to block the blood supply to hemorrhoids using tiny particles and coils. The procedure takes approximately 1 hour, and patients enjoy fast recovery.

Recently published data shows that hemorrhoid embolization reduces bleeding in over 90% of patients. Patients also experience improved quality of life and reduced pain, with benefits lasting for at least one year.

Advantages of hemorrhoid embolization:

  • Patients experience little to no pain
  • Extremely safe procedure
  • Outpatient, minimally invasive procedure; no hospital stay needed
  • Patients typically return to activity the next day
  • No instruments are placed in the anus, and there is no anal trauma

You should not undergo hemorrhoid embolization if you have a grade 4 hemorrhoid, a history of colorectal surgery, or chronic anal fissures. Please contact VIE with any questions.

What to Expect

During your consultation, VIE’s interventional radiology experts will assess your condition and determine if hemorrhoid embolization is right for you. If eligible, the procedure will be performed in our state-of-the-art outpatient facility. You’ll receive detailed post-procedure care instructions and follow-up to ensure optimal recovery and results.

  1. Vidal, V., Louis, G., Bartoli, J. M., & Sielezneff, I. (2014). Embolization of the hemorrhoidal arteries (the emborrhoid technique): a new concept and challenge for interventional radiology. Diagnostic and interventional imaging, 95(3), 307-315.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diii.2014.01.016
  2. Moussa, N., Sielezneff, I., Sapoval, M., Tradi, F., Del Giudice, C., Fathallah, N., … & Vidal, V. (2017). Embolization of the superior rectal arteries for chronic bleeding due to haemorrhoidal disease. Colorectal Disease, 19(2), 194-199.https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.13422
  3. Zakharchenko, A., Kaitoukov, Y., Vinnik, Y., Tradi, F., Sapoval, M., Sielezneff, I., & Vidal, V. (2016). Safety and efficacy of superior rectal artery embolization with particles and metallic coils for the treatment of hemorrhoids (Emborrhoid technique). Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, 97(11), 1079-1084.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diii.2016.08.004